
It is often said age is just a number. To a certain extent I agree. I try not to limit myself to the conventions of age. I style and wear my hair however I think suits me best. I have friends in all age groups. If I want to go dancing on a Saturday night I still do, and equally, if I want to curl up on the couch under a crochet blanket and knit, well I’ll do just that too.
With age comes life experience and by the time we are in our 40s we have quite a bit of this. And that really stands for something, in all aspects of our life – our relationships, our careers and our passions. For this reason I think our actual age, the number itself, is significant, because experience is of great value to how we learn and grow.
However, content and stories about women, once they reach 40, seems to head south. We don’t see enough of ourselves and our potential selves. Frankly, we are an underutilised audience. That is a huge shame, not just for us but for all women who are missing out on the perspective that getting older is not something to fear or hide, but something to celebrate.
The good news is that change seems to be on the way. We are starting to see more stories and issues pertaining to women make it onto our big and small screens. This is where Pretty Strong 40 comes in.
Pretty Strong 40 is a lifestyle blog for all women (and maybe even the occasional self-actualised man) about everything that is life at 40 something. It aims to provide content that is inspiring and thought provoking, covering issues such as health and fitness, friendships and career.
I hope you enjoy exploring. Thank you so much for stopping by.
PS - I would love to hear from you. Feel free to drop me a line anytime at suziepappas@prettystrong40.com.au